
Tea and Cake for Henrietta

When Henrietta woke up on the first morning of spring, her little chicken heart was bursting with joy. The sun was shining, the birds were singing – and it was a special day, a day that only came once a year.

Tea and Cake for Henrietta – Read and Print

By Rachel Dunstan Muller, copyright 2021

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When Henrietta woke up on the first morning of spring, her little chicken heart was bursting with joy. The sun was shining, the birds were singing – but more than that, it was a special day, a day that only came once a year. It was Henrietta’s birthday.

But it was very puzzling. All the other hens were gone; Henrietta was all alone in the hen house. But that was alright. She expected that the other chickens were just outside, waiting to wish her a happy birthday. Perhaps all the other farm animals would be there as well.

But when she stepped outside there was only her neighbour, Mrs. Quack, and Mrs. Quack’s six ducklings. “Well, hello, Mrs. Quack,” said Henrietta, puffing out her feathers. “I suppose you know what day it is?”

“Of course I know what day it is,” said Mrs. Quack. “It’s Thursday. And since it’s Thursday, that means my ducklings are late for their paddling lessons.”

“But it’s not just any Thursday,” said Henrietta. “It’s a very special Thursday. I thought you might like to wish me something.”

“Sorry. No time to chat,” said Mrs. Quack. “Come on my dears; time to be on our way.” And before Henrietta could say another word, Mrs. Quack marched her ducklings down the path towards the pond – leaving poor Henrietta all by herself.

Well, that was not what Henrietta had expected at all. In fact it was quite disappointing. But the sun was still shining, and the bees were still buzzing, and it was still Henrietta’s birthday – so off she went to pay a visit to the Moo sisters.

Mildred and Mabel and Annabel Moo were all in the barn, waiting to be milked. The three cows were arguing about whether the sweetest grass in the field was alongside the pond, or in the shade under the chestnut tree, and they didn’t even notice Henrietta come in.

“Ahem,” said Henrietta, plumping up her feathers.

“Oh, hello Henrietta,” said Mildred. “What can we do for you?”

“I – I was just wondering if there might be cake this evening?” said Henrietta.

“Cake?” said Mabel. “Now, why would there be cake?”

“Well, you know,” said Henrietta. “Because it’s a special day.”

But just then the girl who milked the cows came into the barn, and the three Moo sisters turned their attention to her.

“Sorry, Henrietta,” said Annabel. “Perhaps we can chat later.”

Henrietta wasn’t feeling quite so bouncy as she left the barn. But the sun was still shining brightly, and it was still her birthday, so she wandered around the barnyard to see who else she could find. She passed Oliver the goat, Meadow the sheep, and Priscilla and Percy pig – but not one of them said anything about her birthday. And there was no sign of the other hens anywhere!

Poor Henrietta. She drank a little water and pecked a little grain, then trudged down to the stream that ran through the bottom of the meadow. She found some shade under a willow tree, and there she sat all morning, watching the water go by. The sun was still shining, the birds were still chirping, but Henrietta’s little chicken heart wasn’t full of joy anymore.

“What’s wrong?” said a frog.

“It’s my birthday today,” Henrietta said sadly. “And none of my friends remembered. Not one.”

“You mean, those friends?” said the frog, and he pointed over Henrietta’s shoulder.

Henrietta turned, and sure enough, there were all the barnyard animals coming towards her. There were the other hens. There was Mrs. Quack and her ducklings. There was Meadow, and Oliver, and Priscilla and Percy Pig. There were the Moo sisters, and Hector the horse, and even Randall the rooster.

“Happy Birthday, Henrietta!” they all shouted together.

“But I thought you forgot my birthday,” said Henrietta.

“Of course not,” said Mrs. Quack. “We’d never forget your special day. We just wanted to surprize you with a special birthday picnic.”

And what a wonderful birthday picnic it was!

The other hens – had spend the morning gathering buttercups and daisies and weaving them into a lovely wreath. They put that wreath on Henrietta’s head, and crowned her their birthday Queen. They sang songs, and played games, and all the animals had a cup of birthday tea.

And then, when everyone was ready, Meadow the sheep brought out a three layer birthday cake, with pink frosting and a candle on top.

Henrietta’s little chicken heart was full to overflowing: the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and all Henrietta’s friends were singing too:

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Henrietta, Happy Birthday to you . . . 

It was a very special day, indeed.

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