Welcome to Sticks and Stones and Stories!
What could be more exciting than battling pirate weasels, or sailing with the moon, or hosting a tea party for zoo animals? My name is Rachel Dunstan Muller, and I love using my imagination to create and explore new worlds. Most of all, I love taking young listeners along with me on my adventures!
As a mother and grandmother, I recognize the importance of creating a safe and welcoming space for little ears. As a published children’s author and professional oral storyteller, I am passionate about igniting young imaginations and immersing children in rich language. But more than anything (as someone who loves a good story too!) my goal is to add a little enchantment to bedtime, car-time, or anytime.
When I’m not at my writing desk, in my recording studio, or sharing stories with a live audience, you can find me exploring the forest trails near my home on Vancouver Island, on the west coast of Canada. Learn more about my work at racheldunstanmuller.com.

All stories on this site are written, performed and produced by Rachel Dunstan Muller.